A partnership would enable Cal Poly to quickly and economically add more beds to the stock of on campus housing as developers would cover financing, construction and management of the project to the specifications of the university. University administration is currently working to finalize a Master Plan for future expansion of the campus and feasibility studies are in process to add another 2,600 beds, potentially through a public-private partnership. By 2035, Cal Poly aims to house 60 to 65 percent of the projected student population on campus, including all first and second year students. At this point, Cal Poly has over 8,400 beds on campus that serve just under 40% of the approximate 22,000 undergraduate and graduate student population. This investment has created more than 5,600 new students beds in various on-campus housing projects like the Cerro Vista Apartments, Poly Canyon Village and Student Housing South. Since 2003, Cal Poly has invested more than half a billion dollars into student housing facilities to help accommodate recent and projected growth of the campus community. While some point the finger at Cal Poly, let’s dive a little deeper to find out what’s really going on.
Over the years, some San Luis Obispo neighborhoods surrounding the Cal Poly campus have changed from being primarily family oriented to the predominantly student oriented neighborhoods they are today.